Sunday, May 5, 2024

42 Stories Anthology Cover Artist Interview

Photo by Katya Brown

Katya Brown is not just the artist behind the Escape, Impairment, Parent, Travel, and Western chapters, she did the front/back cover for the anthology, which was voted on by the authors of the book. This was fitting, as from early on in the project, Katya has helped.

Without further ado, here's our Q&A:

Bam: Most frequent way to procrastinate on projects is . . .

Katya: blame my cats.

Bam: What inspired you to become an artist? 

Katya: I can't really stop myself. Always see things to create, light angles, color, beauty in a moment or object others are walking by obliviously.

Bam:  Who are some authors/artists you like? 

Katya: Toulouse Lautrec, Wu Guanzhong, Victor Hugo, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman.

Bam: Why do you like them? 

Katya: I think all of them reflect on society in different ways - showing us things we might miss otherwise, whether through silhouette, color, character, humor, mythology  . . . often things that point out societal flaws, but at the same time celebrating the amazing ridiculousness of our world.

Bam: Tell other artists something that'll inspire them in 42 words or fewer.

Katya: Sometimes it takes the timing being right to push you to the next step. I took 42 photos as was drawn to the ultimate answer. After getting many people to associate me with 42, the timing worked to become involved in this.

Bam: Answer a random question that you want to answer.

Katya: How did I have enough photos of 42s to get 42 on each cover? Been taking the photos for years. The ones on the cover include photos taken from 2005 - 2021 across 4 continents, over 15 countries, and many different places within them. They are heavy on shots from Xiamen, China, as I did live there quite awhile.


Katya recently returned to her home state of Iowa after 12 years in China. She is usually covered in cat hair. When not teaching, can’t stop photographing interesting things (or 42s), does Chinese brush painting and calligraphy, as well as cross stitches.

42 Stories Anthology Presents: Book of 42² is set for release this November.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Project 42 Anthology Update


Some awaiting the 42 Stories Anthology publication are unaware of a certain fact. In 2018, when I launched the project, I made a vow to not write any new stories until the anthology was published. This was to motivate me to get the book finished. 

My goal for the anthology has been to help other writers, so I wasn't going to focus anytime on my own work. Aside from academic writing obligations, I have kept my promise. All of my publications since 2018 have been work that I wrote prior to the project. There was one story that I had to edit due to it needing to be updated at the publisher's request. Nothing else.

This means that I am as eager for the anthology to get published as anyone else. We're still looking toward a 2024 release, luckily. 

Keep your eyes open for more announcements. 

Have a great spring. 

   Remember to remember . . .

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Happy 2024

Happy New Year!

 The year ended with an engagement to my fiancée. We're planning on getting married March 2025. By then, I'll be 42. To celebrate our future plans, we had some fun adventures, which I'll share with you. 

For starters, we went to Meoto Iwa (picture shown above), which means "Wedded Rock." It's near Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture of Japan. Ise Shrine is technically three shrines spread across Ise City, and the largest shrine in Japan. 

For years, locals have gone to Meoto Iwa to confess their love for each other. People weren't very vocal when my fiancée, Eva, was taking pictures with her ring, but she said that a lot of eyes brightened, and women smiled her way. 

Our next adventure was a Bruno Mars concert in Tokyo Dome. 

First, I wanted to take Eva to a place called Ice Cream Paradise, where they let people order six scoops of different flavors as a meal. The menu online was quite interesting. 

They were said to have been one of the best ice creameries in the world. It's my fiancée's favorite food, so of course, we were going to go. Eva was skeptical they were still around, as there was no recent news about them. 

Although Eva was right, and the ice creamery was gone, a dumpling food court was there along with a normal ice cream stand. 

However, Ice Cream Paradise is no more.

On the bright side, Bruno Mars puts on a great performance. 

The next day, Eva reminded me that months ago I had mentioned wanting to hit up a famous Starbucks in Tokyo called Reserve Roastery. Amazing how she remembered me saying that once. 

It was really packed in there, but worth the visit. 

We continued our celebrations into my birthday on the 19th.
The restaurant that took the reservation was in Osaka, called Craft Beer Café Imazato. 

The owner made five Chicago pizzas for my friends and me.

The restaurant had a good stout, too. 
Eva topped off the night by making my favorite pie, pecan. A perfect dessert to end the evening.

(The Wish)

So far, 2024 has been great. 

Regarding the Book of 42 Presents: 42 Stories Anthology. As stated, the book will come out this year, likely toward the end of it. We're in the publication stage. 

Please don't request any sudden changes unless they are unavoidable. 

Note: TinyLetter is shutting down. 

TinyLetter asked if I wanted to convert subscribers to MailChimp, where they charge money. 
Rather, I will send mass emails to people who subscribed in the past once the book is released. 
If you have a story in the anthology, you should have received emails from me already. 

The most recent email was about bios needing to be updated. 

All the best to you and yours this year.
Remember to remember . . .
   ~42 Stories Anthology Team


Friday, May 26, 2023

42 Anthology Author Contact Emails



The anthology team is trying to reach authors of the anthology about some edits and other matters before the book's release in 2024. 

If you have not received an email from and have a story in the anthology, please send an email there with the subject: Missing email. 

In the message, please write something like

My name is Author Person, my stories are in the Parent, Thriller, and Sword chapters, and my current email is 

All the best.

   Remember to remember . . .

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Anthology complete

Dear writers and readers,
A few notes regarding the anthology.
42 Stories Anthology Presents: Book of 422 has reached its goal.

The chapters have Story of Excellence Award winners.
All authors of the anthology have been notified of its completion.
What’s next?
If all goes according to plan, the book will be published by 2024.
We are trying to obtain chapter introductions from chapter award winners.
The authors are voting for a book cover from now until January 22, 2023, 11:59pm GMT either via email
( or through the Facebook group. If you have a story in the anthology and are interested in voting for the book cover through the group, you can join by requesting a link via email. If you want to vote on the book cover without joining the group, you can ask me for a link to the covers and email your vote in directly.

That’s all for now. Happy New Year


   Remember to remember . . .

   Project: 42-Word Stories Anthology



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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Update: 42 Stories Anthology Complete


Story of Excellence Winners so far:

Alternate Reality: Steven M. Gerson

Apocalyptic: Kate Gaston

Clown: John Porcino 

Craft of Writing: Announced in the book

Crime: Tom Barker

Culture: K. A. Kern

Dystopia/Utopia: Râna Campbell

Escape: Matt Patrick

Fairy Tale: Lorisha Adams

Fantasy: Billy J. Forshaw

Fight: Daniel Getzoff

Hitchhiker's Guide to History: Adah Marie Guy

Horror: Michael Fagan

Humor: Evie Groch

Impairment: David Kuhnlein

Indigenous: Sophia Moore

Macabre & Morbid: Kim Hart

Monster: Suann Amero

Mystery: Antonella Piemontese

Mythopoeia: Jen Mierisch

Noir: Asta aka Genevieve Payne

oDDbALL: Miriam Thor

Outer Space: Elaina Hampson

Paranormal: Chris Bullard

Parents: Gina Burgess

Poetic Prose: David K. Slay

Romance: Michael Gigandet

Satire: Elizabeth Andrews

Science Fiction: Nick DiChario

Siblings: Trey Stone

Sports: John Ward

Steampunk: Christopher Airiau

Sword & Sorcery: Christian Meeks

Thriller/Suspense: Rob Nisbet

Tragedy: Debbie Wingate

Trapped: Jamil Hall

Travel: Barbara Meyrowitz

Vampire: Harry Carnegie aka Mike O'Connor

War: Joseph S. Pete

Werewolf: Beth Doherty

Western: Joe Kilgore

Zombie: Kerry Pickles

There will be a special blog spot for each chapter where the winners answer interview questions. If you have time, look up the winners, as they're very talented authors. Any winners mentioned above, contact the anthology team (here: if you didn't receive an email announcement.

There's also Runner-Up Award Winners. Here is who's been contacted so far. If you see your name below and have not replied to an email, please contact the anthology team.

Runner Up Award Winners:

Alternate Reality: Roger Hammons

Apocalyptic: Dr. Thomas Reed Willemain

Clown: Sharon Kretschmer

Craft of Writing: No Award

Crime: Anthony Knott

Culture: William McCann

Dystopia/Utopia: Alexis Gkantiragas

Escape: Gania Barlow

Fairy Tale: Sandra Simmer

Fantasy: Art Lasky

Fight: Ava Jean Wetzel

HGH: Glenna Anne Turnbull

Horror: Andy Betz

Humor: Elizabeth Barton

Impairment: Stephen Ground

Indigenous: Matias F. Travieso-Diaz

Macabre & Morbid: Christy Lynch

Monster: Bunny Haschen

Mystery: Tejaswinee Roychowdhury

Mythopoeia: Becky Benishek

Noir: Amy Cotler

oDDbALL: Faustine Guerrero

Outer Space: Ethan Shaskan

Paranormal: John H. Dromey

Parents: Travis Garner

Poetic Prose: D. I. Jolly

Romance: Lindy Greaves

Satire: Louise Mae Moises

Science Fiction: Harley McEvoy

Siblings: Nikki J. Davison

Sports: Nicole Ortiz

Steampunk: Madison Marshall

Sword & Sorcery: Ej Sidle

Thriller/Suspense: Suzanne Baginskie

Tragedy: Hibah Shabkhez

Trapped: Sheryl Loeffler

Travel: Adelaide B. Shaw

Vampire: Voting in progress

War: Amber Winter

Werewolf: James Lang

Western: Donald Winzer

Zombie: Ben Mimmack

Note: Some judges select "Honorable Mention" stories. They are optional awards given at the judge's discretion, and not every chapter has one. Honorable mention award-winners will be named in future blogs.

Remember to remember . . .
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Friday, April 15, 2022

Pen Names, Pseudonyms, Nom de Plumes

Hi everyone,

We're reading submissions for the 42 Stories Anthology this month and will hopefully reach our goal by May or December this year. No guarantee.

Let's chat about names.


The whole pen name schtick came from the theme of the book having 1,764 names in it, sure. However, that's only half of the story.

I've had many pen names. 

My dad named me after his favorite uncle. Bertram was a lawyer by day and trumpet player by night. He had an accident, which led to him being bedridden.

Dad always looked to him for guidance when he was young. Then, one day, probably a rainy one, Bertram died tragically.

Mom got to name my sister and brother. Then, when I was born, Dad named me after the lawyer/trumpet player. 

The only problem with the name was that he shortened it to Bert, and I was a child in the '80s being called "Bert."

So, naturally, the first question kids asked, "Where's Erine?"

Just imagine, being circled by 30+ kids laughing "Where's Erine?" Some of them threw things at me. Saying "bullied" would be a light way to put it. Teachers laughed with the kids. One day, I punched a few of them and the teacher and the laughter turned to screams of horror.

I was probably one of the first 5-year-olds kicked out of that kindergarten for punching a teacher. (Now, I'm a teacher 😅).

There were other problems with being called "Bert."

In short, I hated the name.

My parents were divorced, and I went to live with Mom at 8. 

She asked if I wanted to change my name to "Allan." 

"My middle name?" 

It so happened that a story I liked called The Raven was by a writer who had the middle name, Allan, too. Plus, we shared the same birthday and eyebags problem. So, I was down for the shift. 



As it turns out, Bertram means Bright, Famous, Raven.


Something changed when I was 23. I had started getting published and needed a writer's name. I went with "B. A. Mullin," thinking it was kind of funny sounding: "Be a Mullin." 

At the same time, I blogged on The blog, Ten Things That You Should Know, had 133 posts and over 50k readers. Sometimes the blog hit the #1 spot on the site. My username: "Devilsthrill." 

The username actually goes back to when I was 19. There's a song that inspired me to write my series, Demon Blade Bearer, called Devil's Trill. I was listening to Vanessa Mae's version at the time and wrote and wrote and wrote. 

Suddenly, I had ten books written within three to fives years. As an ode to the song, I used "Devilsthrill" as an online name. It was also a typo that stuck. I wanted the name to be DevilsTrill. 


At 31 my dad got sick, and we were friends. I decided to use the name "Bertram" with the stipulation that no one called me "Bert" unless they wanted to get punched in the face. 

That year, I moved to Japan with a dream: Find a manga artist and make Demon Blade Bearer a manga and maybe an anime in Japan and America. I'd introduce myself as "Bertram."



At my first job, without asking, the trainer introduced me as "Bert." He didn't get punched, but it was one example of the disrespect I went through until quitting. 

Got a job as a foreign teacher at public schools and while searching for an artist, continued teaching. 

Because students had issues saying "Bertram," I just went with my initials: "BAM." 

For the past seven years, everyone has either called me Bertram, or BAM.

I don't dislike being called "Allan," but it feels like a childhood name that I no longer use. 

Subsequently, I applied to a private school last month. The director kept calling me "Bert" even after I said my name was Bertram or BAM. You should never nickname someone unless they're okay with it. That's called respect. I didn't take that job and am still teaching at public schools instead. 

If you thought this covered all of my pen names, you were wrong. I've got a Hebrew name, "Abraham." There's also Eval Jaeger, Scott Allan Terrier, and Shelly Macaroy. Those are characters from stories of mine, and I've used their names as pen names. Shelly has about 4 horror publications. The other two have one each.

In case you're wondering, I found an illustrator two years ago. She's working on Demon Blade Bearer. Here's her Instagram: Kou Hirose (@kou_hk_yk) • Instagram photos and videos
Here's a sketch she drew of me:

Thank you for reading until the end. Looking forward to seeing the submissions everyone sent.